School Transport Information 2025/26
The Bus Eireann school transport application process is now open for the 2025/2026 school year.
It is crucial you apply, even if the bus does not currently serve your area or if you think you may not be eligible.
The deadline for payment is the 6th of June
Apply by following the link below.
As a celebration of World Book Day, the children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book. They may wear their costume to school on Friday 7th March. They also need to bring their book to school with them on the day.
O Hayden.
Enrolments for September 2025
New infants being accepted now to Kingsland National School.
Forms available from here at the school please email, phone or collect, to be returned by 19th Feb
email - Phone- 0949870608
Update following Board of Management meeting 20/11/24
The Board expressed thanks and well wishes to Mr. David Murphy on his retirement. There was an article about David’s retirement on the Roscommon Herald and it will also appear in the Roscommon People in the coming weeks.
The school will hold a Carol Service on Tuesday 17th December at 6pm in Breedogue Church. The Parents’ Association will be having a raffle at this too so we are asking for your support with this fundraising for the school please.
The Senior Room will attend a GAA Activity Day in the Dome, Bekan on 4th December 2024.
Cllr. Liam Callaghan visited our school recently regarding road safety. We are hoping that Roscommon County Council will improve the signage approaching the school and make plans to upgrade the paths and set-down areas at the school.
Scarament of Confirmation Date is 9th of April 2025,
5th and 6th Class will be making confimation this year.
It will be in Ballinameen Church @ 4pm.
First Holy Communion will be on
Sunday May 11th @ 11am in Breedogue Church
Dwyer School of Speech, Drama and Communications.
Classes for Beginners, Children, Teenagers & Adults
Abbey Primary School, Boyle.
Thursday Evenings.
Contact: Phone or Text 0872219911
These Classes introduce students to: Speech Training, Reading aloud, Poetry/Literature, Improvisation, Storytelling, Public Speaking, Mime, Movement to music and many more things.
Term starts : 26th Sept 26th - 12th Dec
Allianz 24 hour Pupil Accident Cover
If you wish to purchase this individual Insurance cover, please return the Allianz Form with the appropriate fee(€9 per child for 24/7 cover) to the school by Friday 30th August. This Insurance is entirely optional
Welcome back everyone to a New School Year ...
School Calendar 2024/25 ( to date )
School Re-opening Tuesday 27th August 2024
School Closed Mon 14th October - In- service for School Staff ( New Maths Curriculum )
October Mid-term Break
Monday 28th Oct to Monday 4th November
Christmas 2024
Schools close on Friday 20th Dec 2024 and re-opening Tuesday 7th January 2025
Bank Holiday
Monday 3rd February 2025
February 2025 Mid-term Break
Thursday 20th and Friday 21st Feb
Bank Holiday
Monday 17th March 2025
Easter 2025
Schools will close on Friday 11th April 2025 and re-open Monday 28th April 2025
Bank Holiday
Monday 5th May
Bank Holiday
Monday 2nd June
School Closing for Summer Holidays Friday 20th June 2025
School Closing @ 11:30am on Friday 21st June
for Summer Holidays School Bus will be running. Wishing you all a lovely Summer.
Agreed Report B.O.M June meeting 2024
Drumcondra Tests scores submitted to the Dept. For classes 2nd 4th and 6th. As required by the school. (Circular 40/2024)
Free Books Grant also reduced by 17%: it was € 97 euro per pupil last year, this year € 80 per pupil. (No reason given by Dept. but every thing expected Free as per last year, Books, Workbooks, copies… ). Received 2400 euro.
Charities Regulator: We have filed our Annual Report for 2024 and have fulfilled our Compliance Obligations.
SNA allocation unchanged for next school year, 1 full time permanent post.
Computer Skills Lessons and Coding booked for September/Oct 2024 CAIT Roscomáin (No cost to Parents STEM grant to cover it.)
New Infants for Sept Open Evening was held on Thursday 13th June and all New Infants plus parents/guardians attended. Also children invited in on Friday 21st June from 9.20am to 11.00am
Inspector's Visit: A curriculum evaluation on Maths was carried out in the school on Wed 29th June by Divisional Inspector Clare Griffin. She inspected our Child Protection Policy Documents and other documents, samples of Oversight Reports, Annual Reviews, Anti Bullying Procedures. We were compliant with all. She questioned and got feedback from a focus group of pupils(14) from the senior room.
She carried out observations of Teaching and Learning with all staff. She gave feedback to all staff and a report will follow and will be published on the Dept. website in due course. She will be making a few recommendations as per normal.
School Tour: Baysports Hudson Bay Wednesday 19th June. (Whole School)
Notification regarding the Board of Management's review of the Child Safeguarding Statement
Hard luck to the Girl's team in the Cumann na mBunscoil 7-a-side. Beaten by Scoil Mhuire Lourdes(Loughglynn) 4-11 to 3-5.
We are all very proud of their efford. Thank you to all the support on the day also. Wet conditions made it tough for all!
Congrats ot the Girls Team on Winning their Group Games in the Cumann na mBunscoil. Girls 7 a-side.
They are through to the semi-finals ! WELL DONE GIRLS !
A Big Thank you to everyone for the great support in the Clothes Collection for May - We Gathered 800kgs in Clothes.
Agreed Report from Board of Management meeting 25th April 2024
Cumann na mBunscol: Girls team entered in the 7 a side: Schools in our Group include Ballinameen, Grange, and Clooneyquinn.
Blitz to be played on Fri 3rd May in a Blitz format.
Gaelic Coaching: Brian Costello will be taking the children for Physical Activities and Gaelic Skills coaching this term every Thursday morning
10.30am to 11.10 am Junior Room and Senior Room 11.20 to 12.15pm.
Fundraising: Clothes collection at the school, collection date is Wed 1st May. Parents Association organised Bag Packing in Kelly’s Supervalu Boyle on Friday the 26th March as a fundraiser for the school. Collected €500. Cash handed in for lodgement to school account.
Money to go towards School tour bus cost.
School Tour: Whole School going to Baysports, Hudson Bay Athlone. Wednesday 19th. June. More details nearer the date.
Green Schools: The Senior Room had a workshop from the Green Schools Officer for Travel Theme Ciarán Hussey on ‘Climate Change.’ The Junior Room had a workshop on how children ‘Travel to school’ in other countries.
Cycle Right Training: Through Roscommon Partnership and Green Schools Travel the children from 3rd to 6th class are doing 4 sessions on Cycle Right. Includes Training and safety on the Bike while out on the road. Last session they hope to bring them on the main road if all pass the training part.
Enrolments: 5 enrolments to date. The 5 have been accepted and an email sent to confirm this to parents.
Well done and Thank you to the Parent Ass. who raised €500 bag packing in Supervalu Boyle on Good Friday.
School Transport Information 2024/25
The deadline for applications is the 26th April 2024
The deadline for payment is the 7th of June
All applications and payments are to be made through the Family Portal system
Who is eligible?
Children who reside at least from and attending their school are eligible for Primary school transport.
How do I apply?
Online to Bus Éireann at –
When do I apply?
Applications should be submitted before the last Friday in April 2024.
Late applicants are NOT guaranteed a seat.
What is the charge?
The current annual charge is €50 per child with a family maximum of €125.
Are some children exempt from paying?
Yes. Only eligible children i.e. children residing at least from and attending their school,
who hold valid Medical Cards (GMS Scheme), do not pay. All other children must pay.
Where can I get more details on the scheme?
Full terms of the Primary School Transport Scheme are available at and
Where can I get further information?
Log onto the User Guide for full information on how to apply
Kingsland National School is closing at 12:30pm Weds 20th March - Staff inservice , School bus will run.
also School will be closing @ 12:30pm on Friday 22nd March for Easter Holidays - School bus will run.
School Re-opens Monday the 8th April
Happy Easter to everyone ..
Kingsland NS Fundraising.
Collecting Clothes/Shoes for Recycling.
Drop your Bags to the school shelter by Wednesday 1st May 2024
We get funds for the school for every KG we collect.
- Keep Clothes and Shoes separate.
- No Duvets.
- No Suitcases.
World Book Day
is on the Thurs 7th March your child may get dressed up in their favourite Character from a book or Nursery Rhyme
Agreed Report to Parents from Board of Management meeting 13-2-2024
Enrolments: We are now accepting enrolment for Sept 2024. 5 enquiries so far, closing date is 19th Feb.
SET Cluster: Our cluster arrangement with Ballinameen NS will cease at the end of current school year 2023/24 (As per circular 11/2024).To create or hold a post (Teacher) you are required to have 25 hrs. You may cluster with other schools to reach the 25 hrs. You may also input your Principal Releases Hours, 5 hrs, with this if required. We have formed a new cluster with Corrigeenroe NS. Our allocation of SET hours was 17.5 hrs plus the 5hrs Principal release time plus 2.5 hrs with Corrigeenroe NS. So Ms Kilmartin’s post is secure.
Half Day Closure: As part of the P.L.C (Primary Language Curriculum) we are required to take a half day closure to facilitate a school staff in-service training day on Wednesday the 20th March. School closing at 12.30pm.
STEM Grant: The school applied for a STEM grant through the Department of Education last November 2023. We were successful in our application and have received €4723.45 (85% of the application). We have started purchasing resources and the Staff and Children will begin learning about Cyber Safety and Coding through tutorials online, a program purchased through ‘Cyberschools’. Staff have completed Cyber Safety CPD module.
Charities Regulator: As a school we are registered as a Charity, RCN = 20133887.
Parents Association:Chairperson= Orla Brehony. Secretary/ NPC contact person = Patricia Mc Garry. Fundraising planned: Bag packing over Easter and in June a fun activity evening with Raffle. A school Clothes Collection in May, (Proceeds towards School Tour Bus).
School Tour: We are planning to go on a school tour to ‘Baysports’ Athlone in June (19th June, whole school).
Mass Serving/ Reading: Fr. Larry wishes to thanks all the children who have put their names forward for Serving at Mass and Reading at Mass. He will arrange ‘training’ for servers in due course and will be in touch. A rota will be then drawn up.
Kingsland National School will be closinig half day on
Weds the 20th March @ 12:30pm for Staff in-service training... The Bus will run.
Enrolments for September 2024
New infants being accepted now to Kingsland National School. Forms available from here at the school please email, phone or collect, to be returned by 19th Feb
email - Phone- 0949870608
A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in The Saddlers Inn Tractor Run 2023
Thank you to all for the wonderful contribution from everyone @ Kingsland National School.
Sean Flanagan presenting fundraising proceeds from The Saddlers Inn tractor run to parents of Kingsland NS.
January 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
School Closures for Term 2: (That we are aware of to date)
Bank Holiday Mon 6th Feb
Mid Term Break Feb 15th Feb 16th (Thurs/ Fri)
Referendum Polling Station Fri 8th March
Bank Holiday Mon 18th March
Easter Holidays Fri 22nd March (Closing 11.30am)
Re-opening Mon 8th April
STEM Grant Application (Science/ Technology/ Engineering/ Maths)
The school was successful in its application for a STEM grant which will be used to purchase Resources for the above areas. (4700 euro)
Fundraising: We are very thankful for the Fundraising presentation of €1500 from the Saddlers Inn Tractor Drive presented by Mr. Sean Flanagan on Wed evening last to Parents who helped with the Stewarding and Bucket Collection. Well done to all involved.
Christmas Jumper Day Fundraising total was €112, well done to all. Outdoor play equipment for Break-time will be purchased out of the money raised.
Credit Union Quiz: An Under 13 and Under 11 team will take part in the upcoming Quiz being held in St. Joseph’s Hall Boyle on Saturday 27th Jan at 6.00pm. We wish them well.
Green Schools Travel Flag: As part of this Flag the school has organised Cycle Safety Training (3rd to 6th Class) starting after Easter. More information closer to Easter.
Parent Association: Our school has always had a strong foundation with regard to Parental Support. Our PA needs to affiliate to the National Parents Council and to this end we need to update our Chairperson and have a contact person (Secretary). A meeting to put this in place will take place on Monday evening 15th Jan at 8.00pm at the school. Please attend if possible, a chance for a chat. All welcome. All parents are part of a Parent Association.
Soccer Coach: Soccer coaching will continue this term also every Friday (Weather permitting) 3rd to 6th class.
Enrolment New Infants Sept 2024: Enrolment packs will be available next week. Please contact the school for Enrolment Form. Please let other parents know also.
First Communion: The date for First Communion is Saturday 18th. May at 11.00am mass Breedogue Church.
Congratulations !!
and Thank you to Principal Mr David Murphy on 30 years teaching here at Kingsland National School.
Thanks to Bridies Bakery for the lovely Cake.
New Board of Management Members of Kingsland NS 2023 - 2027
Brendan Beirne (Chairperson & Parent/Nominee)
Sarah Cryan (Parent Nominee)
Very Rev. Fr. Larry Ebuk
Sr. Pat Casey
Jennifer Kilmartin
David Murphy
Muriel Clarke
Jacinta Fitzpatrick
Kingsland N.S will be closing at 11:30am on Friday the 22nd for Christmas Holidays. The School Bus will be collecting @ 11:30am Sharp.
Returning back to school on Monday the 8th of January 2024.
Christmas Jumper Day here in Kingsland National School on Thursday the 21st Dec.
Children can wear their Jumpers/ Hats / Hair band etc. €2 per child. Funds goes towards fundraising for our school.
Big Thank you to everyone for the great support in the Clothes Collection in October - We Gathered 680kgs in Clothes.
.. This in money is €272 which will go towards our school fundraising
First Holy Communion 2024,
Will be on Sat 18th May 2024 in Breedogue Church @ 11am.
Please see link below - Updated verion of Parental Complaints Procedure from CPSMA .
Parental Complaints Procedure here.
Parent teacher meetings will take place in Kingsland N.S. on Weds 29th Nov.
Time slots will be sent home with children.
New Board of Management - Parent Nominees
The following parents were elected as parent nominees for the New Board of Management.
Mother: Sarah Cryan ( Mother of Grace)
Father: Brendan Beirne ( Father of Ella and Zara)
Photo day in Kingsland N.S.
County Photos will be coming to the school on 21st of November 2023.
A proof of each photograph taken will be sent home for you to view.
Full details on prices and how to purchase will be included with the proof photographs
Kingsland National School Upcoming Closures
Wednesday 22nd NOV - Maths Curriculum Inservice day for teachers
Friday 8th Dec - Holy day
Music Classes
will start on Wed 4th of October @ 3:15pm
in Frenchpark Childcare Centre
Tuition available for most instruments including:
Whistle - Flute - Fiddle - Banjo - Button Accordian - Keyboard
Bodhrán -Guitar - Piano Accordian.
Call or Text
Bernard 0868054233
Kingsland NS Fundraising.
Collecting Clothes/Shoes for Recycling.
Drop your Bags to the school shelter by Wednesday 4th OCT 2023
We get funds for the school for every KG we collect.
- Keep Clothes and Shoes separate.
- No Duvets.
- No Suitcase
The Ethna Fahy T.C.R.G School of Irish Dancing resumes in: Durkins
Monday, 4th September, Wednesday, 6th September and Thursday, 7th September.
Time: 5pm to 8:30pm
New beginners are welcome. Beginners are welcome to come at any time during these hours. Pre-school children catered for with the Tip-Tap-Toe, Tap to the Beat Programme. For more details contact Ethna on 087-6661905.
Reopening of School : 29th August 2023
Welcome back to a new school year...
General Policies:
Please ensure that your child’s name is on any items of clothing brought to school as they can easily get mixed up, jumpers and coats especially.
Please adhere to our Healthy Lunch Policy. Well done and a big thank you to the effort made with the Fruit and Veg during last year.
School uniform to be worn, (leggins are not part of the school uniform) suitable footwear for playing during breaks should be worn. Sew-on school crests are available from the school, 3 euro each.
General note in Homework diary to communicate with teacher if child is absent.
Please Note Half Day Closure:
The school will close at 12:15pm on Friday 1st September to facilitate a Staff meeting. School Bus collecting at this time also. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Resurfacing of Parking area at school;
The council will be working on resurfacing the parking area in front of the school at some stage this month. A water collection grid has also to be installed. It may disrupt the dropping off and collecting for a few days but it will be worth it. As soon as I have further information I will let you know.
School Calendar 2023-2024
School re-opening Tuesday 29th. August
- Mid Term Break (Halloween) Mon 30th Oct to Fri 3rd Nov. - Back to school Mon 6th. Nov.
- Friday 8th December 2023 - School Closed (Holy Day)
- Christmas Holidays on Friday 22nd. December. Re-opening Monday 8th January 2024
- Bank Holiday Monday 5th. Feb
- Mid Term February Thurs 15th. and Friday 16th. Feb.
- March Bank Holiday Monday 18th
- Easter Holidays Mon 25th. March to Fri 5th. April Re-opening Mon 8th. April
- May Bank Holiday Mon 6th.
- June Bank Holiday Mon 3rd.
- Closing Summer Holidays Friday 21st June
Please see Link provided with The New Primary Curriculum received by the Department of Education. Please see leaflet on link provided.
The new primary curriculum recognises the key role parents and guardians play in their child’s education and promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents/guardians
End of School Year 2022- 23
Newsletter: Key Notices for next week - June 2023
- School Tour on Wed 21st June – note to follow with reminder details on Monday
- 6th Class children will receive their Holidays on Thursday 22nd June,
- Last day for Football Coaching on Thursday 22nd June.
- Whole school Fun Sports Day on Thursday 22nd June, wear suitable clothes and footwear, (not uniform).
- Open evening for New Infant Parents and Children on Tuesday 20th June at 6.30pm.
- New Infant children for September invited in on Friday Morning 23rd June 9.20am to 11.00am.
- 2nd Class to go into Senior Room on Friday Morning 23rd June.
- Green schools flag will be raised on Monday 19th June @2.00pm, all welcome to come for photograph!
- Normal school closing times on Friday 23rd June, Infants at 2.00pm and all other classes at 3.00pm.
- All children will receive their Summer Holidays on Friday 23rd. June.
- School staff have a school In-service day on Monday 26th June, no children in that day.
- School Books will be taken up next Thursday/Friday.
- School Reports going home on Tuesday 20th. June.
- Any parents wishing to meet with teachers to discuss reports can do so on Friday 23rd June , 3.00 to 4.00 pm.
- Reopening of school for 2023-2024 school year on Tuesday 29th. August 2023.
We would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout the year and we hope you all have a Happy Summer Holiday. We wish the 6th Class pupils the best of Luck in their New Schools in the years ahead. They served as great role models for the other children in our school.
Best Regards
David Murphy, Principal.
Apologies, our phone line is down, for any reason you need to contact the school please send an email to, we will contact you back.
Kingsland Crested Jumpers may be ordered again this year,
contact Sinead Cunningham by 1st of June on 0879262694
School Swimming fee is due on the 25th May 2023
Data Protection Guides for Parents
My child’s data protection rights – the basics
This outlines some of the issues that can arise when a parent seeks to exercise data protection rights on behalf of their child.
Children’s data and parental consent
This looks at the meaning of the ‘age of digital consent’ and outlines when parents’ consent may be needed for processing their child’s personal data, and how parents can approach those cases.
Protecting my child’s data
This is intended to help parents understand the rights that they have in relation to their children’s data and gives some useful advice on how to protect their children’s rights.
Are there any limits on my child’s data protection rights?
This outlines some important limits to how and when children’s data protection rights may be exercised, whether by children themselves or by parents on their behalf. It outlines some common situations where these can arise and suggests ways in which parents can address them.
Kingsland N.S. will be closed for pupils on Tuesday 6th of June to facilitate a Staff in-service day for New Primary Curriculum Framework and The Primary language Curriculum.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
School Book Scheme for 2023/24 school year.
In recognition of the cost of preparing children and young people for the return to primary school each September Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. has announced funding to provide free schoolbooks, including workbooks and copybooks, from September 2023. This Scheme will eliminate the cost to parents of providing these resources.
Funding is being provided directly to primary schools and special schools by the Department to implement the scheme to schools will now have responsibility for providing schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks to all children and young people at the start of the school year.
All schoolbooks will remain the property of the school so that books can be reused in future years. Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to children and young people for the duration of the 2023/24 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year.
Parents are requested to remind their children to take care of their books and keep them in good condition during the year. It is not permitted to write on textbooks.
The school will provide stationary, copy books, folders, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, rulers. Also homework journals and workbooks will be provided for in this scheme.
There may be some related classroom resources that are not covered by the scheme. Additional details (if any) on what items parents will need to supply for the return to school in September 2023 will be communicated to parents by the school in due course.
Yours sincerely
David Murphy
Kingsland National School
Kingsland NS Fundraising.
Collecting Clothes/Shoes for Recycling.
Drop your Bags to the school shelter by Wednesday 26th of April 2023
We get funds for the school for every KG we collect.
- Keep Clothes and Shoes separate.
- No Duvets.
- No Suitcase
School Transport Information 2023/24
Applications can be made by visiting
The closing date for New applications is Friday 28th of April. Any new applications made after the closing date are considered late applications and families are not guaranteed a seat.
The Bus Eireann family portal will be open to accept payments/medical card details from the 3rd April until the 9th of June 2023.
Date for First Confession Wednesday, March 29th @ 10am in St Brigids Church, Breedogue.
Date for First Holy Communion Saturday, May 6th, in Ballinameen Church @ 11am
Date for Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday, May 10th in Ballinameen Church @ 4pm
Parents and Guardians for children for First Holy Communion and Confirmation 2023 from Fr Lawrence Ebuk.( Parish Priest)
Thank you for attending the Mass for enrolent fo your child(ren) few weeks ago.
I am writing to seek your support again in the faith building of your child(ren). This time around we are planning to have a three session meeting with the Parents and Guardians of Class 2023 First Communion and Confirmation Candidates. The three sessions are to help you walk side by side with your child(ren) to give them the necessary spiritual support the meetings will last only for an hour and will be on Thursday of each week. The Schedule is as follows:
First meeting - Thursday, March 23rd @ 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Second meeting - Thursday March 30th @ 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Third meeting - Thursday, April 13th @ 8:00pm - 9:00pm .
The Venue will be Ballinameen Church.
Food Dudes Week
Monday 20th Feb - Fri 24th Feb.
Each child will receive 5 days complementary free fruit and vegetables portions.
Gaelic Coaching :
A Gaelic football coach (Orla) will be taking the senior room (3rd to 6thclass) on a Thursday 11:30 to 12:30pm for the next few months. First session starting on the 9th Feb.Children can bring in ‘gear’ to change into eg. boots/runners etc. Children can wear ordinary P.E. gear as normal or leggings, tracksuit, shorts, football togs, suitable footwear – boots/runners. What they are comfortable with.
They will be playing on the grass area so clothes may get dirty, socks wet etc. so a change might be required. (same as runners/boots).
If your child has an injury and cannot take part let us know before each session.
Green Schools Poster
Closing date is extended to this Friday Feb 10th
Dates for Diary :
Closing Date for Green Schools Poster - Friday 10th Feb
Mid Term Break - Thursday 16th & Friday 17th Feb
Closed Friday 17th March ( Bank Holiday)
Easter Break - Monday 3rd April to Friday the 14th April - School Re-opening Monday 17th April
Enrolments -September 2023
Enrolments for Infants are now being accepted for September 2023. Please contact the school for enrolment form and pack closing date 19th Feb 2023.
- Parents of current children can send note in journal for enrolment form and pack to be sent home.
- You can email the school give brief details, a postal address and eircode.
- Ring the school on 094 9870608 Mon -Thurs 09:20 - 11: 20
Computer Classes
not starting until Tuesday 24th Jan
Group 1 - 2nd and 3rd Class @ 10am to 11am
Group 2 - 4th 5th and 6th Class @ 11:30 to 12:30
Happy New Year: Kingsland NS reopening on Monday 9th January 2023
The Ethna Fahy T.C.R.G. School of Irish Dancing resumes:
Durkins Ballaghaderreen Monday 9th January, Wednesday, 11th January and Thursday, 12th January. 5pm to 8:30pm.
Monasteraden School Monday, 9th January 3pm to 4:30pm.
New beginners are welcome. Beginners are welcome to come at any times during these hours. Pre-school children catered for with the Tip -Tap - Toe, Tap to the Beat Programme. For more details contact Ethna on 087-6661905 or 087-3205484.
I wish you, your staff and pupils the very best of luck for the new school year. A very happy and peaceful 2023.
Many thanks,
Ethna Fahy
Parents are invited to have their say on the development of a new National Strategy for Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy.
The Department of Education and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth are holding a public consultation as part of the development of the successor strategy to the National Strategy Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011 – 2020 and the Interim Review of the Strategy (2017-2020).
Individuals or organisations can submit their ideas via online survey link at
You will have the opportunity to provide additional feedback at the end if you wish.
The closing date for submissions is 3rd February 2023.
Thank you
- to all who donated and collected raffle prizes for the nativity play night.
Thanks also to the huge crowd who turned up on the night to support. €455.00 was raised for swimming funds for the school.
Book Fair
In Kingsland N.S. starting on Tuesday 6th Dec to Friday 9th Dec.
Open each morning 9:20am to 9:50am. Books available to buy - Cash only !
School Nativity Play
Takes place in the school on Monday the 19th of December at 7pm.
Thank you
To everyone for the great support in the Clothes Collection - We Gathered 800kgs in Clothes. It Should equate to €350-400.
Chicken Pox
There are a number of cases of Chicken Pox in the school, please see link below from HSE, with information you may need on Chicken Pox
Patient Information Leaflet, Chickenpox -
Kingsland NS Fundraising.
Collecting Clothes/Shoes for Recycling.
Drop your Bags to the school shelter by Thursday 11th of Nov 2022.
We get funds for the school for every KG we collect.
- Keep Clothes and Shoes separate.
- No Duvets.
- No Suitcases
Face to Face Parent Teacher Meetings
will take place on Thursday 1st of Dec 3:20pm to 5:30pm, further info will follow after Halloween.
with Barra ó Flannaigh is being organised for 3 sessions in month of October
Heritage in schools
Craft workshop for children in : Wet Felting and Print and Weaving - takes place in Month of November.
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal:
This appeal is entirely optional. Please have shoeboxes in by Thursday 20th Oct to the school if you wish to take part. Leaflets will be sent out with pupils tomorrow Thursday 13th Oct. Any further information is on the Team Hope website:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As you may know, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently engaged in a consultation process on an updated Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum. The proposed new curriculum will incorporate Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE). This is for the junior cycle, i.e. for 12-15 year olds.
Parents are invited by the NCCA to participate in that consultation. It is vital that the voice of parents be heard.
The SPHE parent/guardian feedback survey may be found at the following link:
Further information, including the draft SPHE curriculum can be found at
School Photos 2022
Photographer will be here at the school first thing the morning of Wednesday the 9th November
New Board Member
Catherine Hunt has been elected as Parent Nominee on Board of Management at meeting of parents on Thursday 8th Sept. This was to fill the vacancy of outgoing Board member Patrice Cregg who is now no longer eligible due to her children having finished their education in Kingsland N.S.
Board of Management Members of Kingsland NS 2022 -23
Mary Harrington (Chairperson)
Very Rev. Fr. Larry Ebuk
Seán Mc Garry (Parent Nominee)
Catherine Hunt (Parent Nominee)
David Muldowney
Maria Lavin
Olive Hayden
David Murphy
Inservice Half Day Closure:
The school will be closing at 12(noon) on Friday the 14th Oct to Facilitate an Inservice Primary Language Curriculum 1/2 day. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Tennis Coaching:
The school has organised 3 tennis coaching sessions by Fiona Lavin ( Boyle Tennis Club) starting Thurs 15th Sept. All children will receive coaching - Junior infants to 6th Class.
Reopening of School: New School Year 2022-2023
Welcome back to a New School year.
Arrangements for return to school on Monday 29th. August 2022: with Covid 19 Restrictions as per last term pre-Summer: see - Information Note SD 0003/2022: Updated Covid-19 Guidance to Schools following the mid-term break 2022 (
With some local arrangement in place similar to last term pre Summer Holidays.
General Information:
Visitors to school:
Visits to the school during the school day should be by prior arrangement and visitors should be received at a specific contact point (Entrance Hallway) and should be subject to the same controls that apply to staff entering the school. Mask to be worn by visitors.
Directions on Hand Hygiene:
Frequency of hand hygiene • Pupils and staff should perform hand hygiene:
- On Arrival to School.
- Before eating or drinking
- After using the toilet
- After playing outdoors
- When their hands are physically dirty
- When they cough or sneeze
Children who should not attend school
If your child is in one of the following categories, they should not attend school –
- Children who have been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Children who are generally unwell.
- Please note a ‘ Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form’ is Not required at present for return in Sept 2022.
Classroom arrangements:
Junior Room are in their own room and Junior Infants to 2nd Class are not required to physical distance.
Senior Classes, 3rd to 6th class will be in the Old Classroom beside Junior Room.
Junior Room classes will have a zoned area just for these classes Infants to 2nd class.
Senior Room classes will have a zones area just for these classes 3rd to 6th class.
Morning Arrival:
Children walk into school and Hand Sanitise at Entrance, remain in seats at desk as requested by teachers.
If children are arriving by Frenchpark Bus (Childcare) please inform Frenchpark Childcare that 9.20am is our opening time.
Children in School:
- Follow directions from Staff/Teachers
- Follow the Washing of Hands and Hand Sanitising when required
- Don't share your Stationary (Pens, pencils, rulers ets,,,)
- Leave your Pencil cases in school for school work.
- Teacher will direct what School Books or copies to take in and out of school.
- No sharing of gloves or hats
- Practice Cough etiquette
- Use tissue and dispose in bin
- School Bus children follow directions of Bus Driver
- Follow the Code of Behaviour of the school.
Parent Information:
Access and Exit doors of the School: Morning Entrance is at the Main School Door Entrance.
Exit for Junior Room is by the far end Frenchpark Gable side Door.
Exit for the Senior Classes is the Main Door to the school.
Access for visitors is the Main Entrance Door. Buzz for entry.
No Parents/Guardians are allowed into the school when collecting or dropping the children unless by prior appointment. Contact school by phone or note in Homework Journal.
Children must be signed out if leaving early.
Please note a Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form’is Not required at present for return in Sept 2022.
Ventilation of classrooms, windows slightly open will continue. Air purification systems are in all classrooms.
Infants Collection at 2.00pm
Children will come out their Exit Door and take up their positions at the numbered station waiting area. Numbered 1 to 10 in the Yard. Parents will come to the yard and collect the child and maintain Social Distancing from other parents/children when collecting. 2m markings are on the yard to help.
If weather is too bad to bring the children out to yard, parents come to Frenchpark End of the school to the Side Door Exit keeping to the Blue Spacing 2m apart and the teacher will let the children out to each parent. Parent who are availing of the Frenchpark Bus for afterschool need to inform them of the procedures for collection at 2.00pm.
Early Collection:
If you have to collect your child early, please inform the school by telephone or by note in Journal. Give exact time for collection. Buzz at front Door. Your child will be brought to the Side Exit Door. (Junior Room Exit) Senior Room children will Exit from the Main Door. The teacher will record the Early Collection in the Attendance Log for you.
General School Information for September 2022
School Fees for this School Year 2022-2023 Any outstanding school fees to be paid by Friday 16th September please.
The fee includes: Book Rental, Photocopying, Art Supplies, Mathletics, Maths Seeds (Jun Room), Reading Eggs.
Family with 1 pupil = 30 euro Total
Family with 2 or more = 50 euro Total
School Bus:
The bus company providing the service this year is Ailín O Hara, O’Hara Coaches Ballaghaderreen. He was successful with the Tendering Process for this route.
New Staff: We welcome Ms. Kilmartin who is our SET (Learning Support) teacher this year based in Kingsland NS (17.5 Hrs) and shared with Ballinameen NS (7.5 Hrs)
General Policies:
Please ensure that your child’s name is on any items of clothing brought to school as they can easily get mixed up, jumpers and coats especially. So also with generally stationary items, pencil cases....
Please adhere to our Healthy Lunch Policy. Well done and a big thank you to the effort made with the Fruit and Veg during last year.
School uniform to be worn, (leggins are not part of the school uniform) suitable footwear for playing during breaks should be worn. Sew-on school crests are available from the school, 3 euro each.
General note in Homework diary to communicate with teacher if child is absent.
School swimming this year will be during the last term after Easter.
Allianz 24 hour Pupil Accident Cover
If you wish to purchase this individual Insurance cover, please return the Allianz Form with the appropriate fee (9 Euro per child for 24/7 Cover) to the school by Friday 2nd. September. This Insurance is entirely optional.
School Closures 2022-2023 (That we are aware of to Date)
Reopening Monday 29h August for all pupils
Mid Term Break Closed Mon 31st. Oct to Fri 4th Nov (Halloween)
Closed Thurs 8th December - Church Holiday
Christmas - Closing Wednesday (Half Day) 21st. Dec.
Reopening Mon 9th. January 2022
February 6th Monday (Bank Holiday)
Mid Term Break February Thurs 16th. And Fri 17th.
St. Patrick’s Day Friday 17th March
Easter Holidays, Closed Mon 3rd. April to Fri 14th. April
Bank Holiday Monday May 1st. Closed
Bank Holiday Monday June 5th. Closed
Summer Closing Monday 26th June (Half Day)
We Pray at the Beginning of this school year:
God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin a new school year. Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for
understanding, and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
School Reopening on Monday 29th August 2022. Normal school day:
Infant Hometime 2.00pm. School Bus will be in operation.
Well Done to Boys/Mixed 7-a-side Cumann na mBunscol team on reaching the final in the 2 teacher schools.
Final in Ballyleague on Wednesday 8th June. Throw-in 5.00pm. All support Welcome.
School Jumpers
As per other years the sew-on crests are still available from the school for anyone who wishes ( @ €3 each).
Some parents may wish to continue with the crested jumpers so orders may be placed again this year for anyone who wants them. The Jumpers are from 'Arthers Court' the same as previous years.
The Cost should remain the same as last year( depending on the overall order size) €17 approx for smaller sizes and €20/€22 for larger sizes, as the larger sizes have vat added.
The company has asked that we get the order in as early as possible in order to guarantee that we have all jumpers received in plenty of time for the new school year.
Sizes start at: 28 which is 4-5 years. All money is payable on receipt of jumper.
Should you wish to order crested jumpers please text or contact Sinead Cunningham on 0879262694 by the 27th of May.
Clothes Collection May 2022
Many thanks to all who donated, over 800kg collected ( @50c/kg )
Green Schools News : Poster Competition
Sophie Higgins submission to the Green-schools Marine Spatial Planning Poster Competition has won 2nd place Prize in the Senior Primary Category ! Congrats Sophie - WELL DONE !
Newsletter February- March 2022
Easing of Covid 19 Restrictions after Mid Term Break
Staying at home if you have symptoms: The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains – for students and staff alike. One of the key messages to manage the risks of COVID-19 is to do everything practical to avoid the introduction of COVID-19 into the school. If infection is not introduced it cannot be spread.
Hand Hygiene: Schools should continue to promote good hygiene. Hand hygiene can be achieved by hand washing or use of a hand sanitiser (when hands look clean).
Face coverings/mask wearing: It is no longer a requirement for staff or pupils/students to wear a face covering/mask in school. Staff and student/pupils can continue to wear a face covering/mask if they wish to do so on a personal basis.
School transport and Face coverings/mask wearing: With effect from Monday 28 February the wearing of face coverings/masks on school transport will no longer be mandatory but will continue to be advised. All other measures relating to hygiene (including the provision of hand sanitiser and additional cleaning of services) and pre-assigned seating will remain in place subject to further review.
Return to Work Form/ return to schools form: Schools no longer need to request staff or pupils/students to complete a Return to Work form or a Return to School form after school holidays/breaks.
Antigen testing arrangements for children in primary schools: As part of the transition arrangements the HSE will continue with the current processes to support the provision of antigen tests to primary schools, special schools and childcare settings. The Antigen Free phone number is: 1800 110055 or parents may order antigen tests online via The call centre opening hours will be altered slightly and from next week onwards will be 8:45am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). The online portal will remain operational 24/7 and will shortly be available through Irish as well as English. Participation in antigen testing a voluntary, therefore it is not necessary for parents to share information with the school about whether they have requested antigen tests and nor to confirm negative antigen tests Children who are well should continue to come to school whether they participate in antigen testing or not.
COVID-19 vaccines for 5-11 year olds
The Department has been asked by the HSE to disseminate a letter for principals regarding this vaccine programme. The letter is available at this link:
Further correspondence on the HSE’s immunisation schools programmes is available here.
Please see video link below with most recent information for you on Covid-19 from HSE.
Reopening of Schools Jan 2022
The general Covid 19 protocol for schools remains the same as prior to the Christmas Holidays and the Department of Education and Skills has issued Circular 01/2022 which contains the following information with regard to Pupils and a positive case in the school:
Children and COVID-19 (Primary Schools) Circular 01/2022 Department of Education
When a Principal is notified that a child who has been in school during the infectious period has a positive (detected) COVID-19 PCR test result, school principals are asked to text the other parents in the pod to let them know how they can access free antigen tests for their children in the identified pod. If there is more than one PCR positive case in a class then antigen tests can be arranged for the entire class.
All children in the pod/class can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic and they do not have a positive COVID-19 antigen or PCR test result. Children who have symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home, isolate and arrange to have a PCR test, either online or through a GP.
Note – If a pupil is identified as a CLOSE CONTACT of a case in their HOUSEHOLD they will have to restrict their movement as per national guidelines for household close contact and get a PCR test as soon as possible.
Memo TO: All School Principals FROM: Dr. John Cuddihy, Acting HSE National Clinical Director of Health Protection RE: Return to school guidance from HSE Public Health DATE: 04/01/2022
As schools reopen in 2022, as stated in memo:
‘Symptom profiles are available here Symptoms of COVID-19 - and we advise parents to take a precautionary approach, particularly for children less able to articulate their symptoms, that if a child appears unwell, observe them at home and contact their GP as appropriate.’.....’for all staff and pupils the importance of abiding by the national public health measures currently in place at all times e.g. vaccination (including boosters), social distancing, use of face masks, hand hygiene, ventilation and minimising social contacts.’ Are as important as ever in the fight against Covid 19.
Parental Notice Regarding Covid -19 Vaccinations for 5 -11 year olds:
Please follow the links for Offical HSE info: or you can download these information booklets from
Face Coverings in Primary School
NPHET has recommended the wearing of face masks/coverings by children aged nine years and above on public transport, in retail and other indoor public settings as already required for children aged 13 years and over. They have also recommended that this is introduced for children in 3rd class and above in primary schools. They have advised that this measure is being introduced on a temporary basis and is subject to review in mid-February 2022.
Wearing a face covering or mask does not negate the need to stay at home if symptomatic.
Guidance on Face Coverings in Primary Schools
Wearing of face masks/coverings
Pupils from third class and up in primary schools are required to wear a face mask/covering. The exemptions to this are set out below.
Face masks/coverings
Face masks/coverings act as a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the face mask/covering coughs, sneezes, talks or raises their voice. Face masks/coverings are therefore intended to prevent transmission of the virus from the wearer (who may not know that they are infected) to those with whom they come into close contact.
Face masks/coverings must not contain any slogans/logos/images that may cause upset or be deemed offensive to any member of the school community.
Face masks/coverings are more effective than visors. In the limited circumstances where a face mask/covering cannot be worn clear visors must be considered.
A medical certificate to certify that a person falls into a category listed below must be provided to the school on behalf of, any person (pupil) who claims that they are covered by the exemptions below:
any pupil with difficulty breathing or other relevant medical conditions
any pupil who is unable to remove the cloth face-covering or visor without assistance
any pupil who has special needs and who may feel upset or very uncomfortable wearing the cloth face covering or visor, for example pupils with intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health conditions, sensory concerns or tactile sensitivity.
Schools will be best placed to identify those children whose complex needs are such that the wearing of face covering may not be possible for them, and to discuss this with parents as required. In such circumstances a school may not require medical certification to provide an exemption to the wearing of face coverings. In other circumstances where a medical certificate is not provided that person (staff or pupil) will be refused entry to the school.
Directions for effective use of face masks/coverings
Information should be provided by schools on the proper use, removal, and washing of face coverings. Advice on how to use face coverings properly can be found - When to wear face coverings and how to make them (
All pupils should be reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash or sanitise their hands (using hand sanitiser) before putting on and after taking off the face covering.
Face masks/coverings should be stored in a designated space, for example, in an individually labelled container or bag.
Cloth face coverings should be washed after every day of use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled.
Face masks/coverings should not be worn if they are wet. A wet cloth face covering may make it difficult to breathe.
Pupils using school transport
Pupils from 3rd class and up on the primary transport scheme are required to wear face
masks/coverings subject to the exemptions above.
Mixed classes in single rooms
Where there are mixed classes, e.g. 2nd and 3rd class in a single classroom, schools should note that
only children in 3rd class and above, are required to wear face masks. As per previous advice,
however, parents of other children who would prefer that their children wear a face mask are not precluded from doing this.
Provision of face masks
Parents should be advised that they obtain face masks for their children which fit properly and are comfortable for the child to wear. In the event that a child forgets, loses or damages their masks during the course of the school day, then the school should have a sufficient supply to replace the mask for the child in case a back-up face covering is needed during the day or where required on an ongoing basis.
These are the Department of Education Guidelines issued on 30/11/2021
Newsletter November 2021
Parent Teacher Meetings: As Covid 19 infection numbers continue to rise we think it wise to delay or postpone face to face general Parent Teacher meeting until Term 2.
Covid 19: Also we will require Declaration Forms for Return to School after any absence from 29th Nov onwards. This will include return after going home from school sick and returning the next day. Forms being sent home today with children, also a Text will be sent with link to form, Text a Parent. Link to form on this page also: in word which can be emailed to school. (
Return to Educational Facility Declaration Form.doc (
We are aware that some children may have a Chronic illness and have a persistent cough (due to Asthma for example ) and the HSE has this Declaration form if you need to notify the school in such cases.
Chronic symptoms Parental Declaration Form.docx (
Keep to the guidelines, social distancing, hand washing and cut contacts to a minimum and we will again come through this surge.
HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Isolation Guide for children from 3 months to 13 years.
Antigen Testing: Letter going out tomorrow regarding the Antigen Testing for Primary Schools check school bags please.
Children First Info for Parents: - Children First (
Covid Information for Parents: Available on
The HSE has provided information for parents about the changes to contact tracing and testing for children aged between 3 months and 13 years in early learning and care, school aged childcare, education, primary school sports and social settings. You can find it here:
Update from HSE for Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) managers and school principals on the changes to COVID 19 testing and contact tracing for children, 3months to under 13 years (and inclusive of all children attending primary school) Main Points:
· In line with recommendations from the National Public Health Emergency Team, it has been agreed that from September 27th 2021, automatic contact tracing of asymptomatic close contacts in children aged over 3 months and less than 13 years, in ELC and SAC facilities, primary education and social and sporting groups is no longer recommended.
· This means that children aged between 3 months and 13 years who are identified as a close contact in ELC / SAC or education settings, social and sporting groups, or other non-household settings and who are asymptomatic will no longer be routinely required to restrict their movements.
· Children aged between 3 months and 13 years who are identified, as household close contacts and are not fully vaccinated or have had a confirmed Covid-19 diagnoses in the last 9 months (even if they have no symptoms) will still need to restrict their movements and get a COVID 19 test. A child is a household contact if they were present over-night, in the household of a COVID 19 case while the case was infectious. This may be in their own home or someone else’s home for example children who may have been on sleepovers with family or friends.
HSE New Guidelines 27th Sept 2021
Contact tracing under 13s.pdf (
Child who wishes to bring in their own football please –
-Put name on it.
-Have it in a carrier bag.
-Not in and out every day. Leave in school Monday to Friday.
Cooler/Wet weather:
As Autumn winter progresses a coat will be required for Break time- as Classrooms are recommended to be ventilated – children may be outside for a period during inclement weather.
Drop off of Items:
If you need to drop off any items for children during the school day the box in the shelter is available, just let us know by phone call and we will make sure your child receives it.
We would like to welcome -
Ms Nolan as our SEN Teacher for this year.
Nuala O’Grady – Part-time Secretary Mon - Thurs Mornings. .
School Reopening on Monday 30th August. Normal school day, Infant hometime 2.00pm, all others 3.00pm
Read on for Dept of Education advice regarding Back to School and also Our School Newsletter.
Notice Sept 2021 Covid19 and Reopening of School
Information for Parents:
- Video for parents of children in Junior Infants -
- Video for parents of children Senior Infants – RII -
- Video for parents of children RIII – RVI -
- A Parent’s Guide to Close Contacts – click here
- Reminders for Parents:
- Do not congregate at or near school during drop off and collection times
- Communication with the school must take place by phone or online
- School policy in relation to children with symptoms of COVID-19. Do not to send children to school if they are:
- close contacts of a person with COVID-19
- are awaiting a test
- are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
- if they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
- if they have travelled outside of Ireland (see latest Govt. advice – click here
Useful Links:
Video and other info for Parent and Pupils on Return to school - Information for students, parents and families (
Return to Educational Facility Form (Not required for Sept reopening at the moment)
Wellbeing Information
Parental Guide to close contacts
Guidelines and Restriction remain in place in school setting as per last term. Contact school via phone or email rather than visiting the school. Keep close contacts to a minimum and observe all the advice regarding Hand Hygiene, social distancing, gatherings, and observe protocols in place.
Newsletter September 2021
Newsletter Reopening of School: New School Year 2021-2022
Arrangements for return to school on 30th. August 2021: with Covid 19 Restrictions
Updated Plan for the reopening of the School: Subject to amendments if circumstances change.
Underlying Principles:
- The school has a responsibility to make effort to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all members of our school community – children, parents and staff. This plan has been formulated to better ensure that the school can exercise that duty of care.
- Assuming it is in keeping with public health advice and guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Skills, it is preferable for all children to return to school for all five days of the school week and for a full school day. This plan has been formulated to achieve that aim.
- It is not possible to eliminate the risk of infection. However, with the co-operation of all members of our school community, it is possible to minimise the risk of the virus being introduced to school and the consequent risk of its spread.
- As well as co-operation, the flexibility and goodwill of all will be required to ensure the plan can be implemented.
The School is directed by the HPSC guidelines on reopening of schools and Educational facilities: Reopening of School Roadmap Department of Education, and our Board of Management.
The key recommendations are: (
• Minimising Risk of Introduction of Infection (Exclusion of pupils, staff members and visitors who are ill)
- High temperature
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste
• Managing risk by the following:
- o Regular hand hygiene
- o Maintaining physical distancing
- o Application of respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
- o Environmental hygiene
General Information:
Visitors to school:
Visits to the school during the school day should be by prior arrangement and visitors should be received at a specific contact point (Entrance Hallway) and should be subject to the same controls that apply to staff entering the school.
Physical distancing of 2 metres should be maintained with visitors where possible. Mask to be worn by visitors.
Directions on Hand Hygiene:
Frequency of hand hygiene • Pupils and staff should perform hand hygiene:
o On arrival at school;
o Before eating or drinking;
o After using the toilet;
o After playing outdoors
o When their hands are physically dirty;
o When they cough or sneeze
1.Dealing with a suspected case of Covid-19
Pupils should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. If a pupil displays symptoms of Covid-19 while in the building, the following are the procedures will be implemented:
- Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately
- The child will be accompanied to the designated isolation area via the isolation route by a member of staff. The staff member will remain at least 2 metres away from the symptomatic child and will also make sure that others maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from the symptomatic child at all times
- A mask will be provided for the child presenting with symptoms, if one is available. He/she should wear the mask if in a common area with other people or while exiting the premises
- An assessment will be made as to whether the child who is displaying symptoms can immediately be brought home by parents and call their doctor and continue self-isolation at home
- The school will facilitate the child presenting with symptoms to remain in isolation, if they cannot immediately go home, and will assist them with calling their GP.
- The child presenting with symptoms should be advised to cover their mouth and nose with the disposable tissue provided when they cough or sneeze and to put the tissue in the waste bag provided
- If the child is well enough to go home, the school will arrange for them to be transported home by a family member, as soon as possible, and advise them to inform their GP by phone of their symptoms.
- If they are too unwell to go home or advice is required, the school will contact 999 or 112 and inform them that the sick child is a Covid-19 suspect.
- Arrangements will be made for appropriate cleaning of the isolation area and work areas involved.
The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed.
Children who should not attend school
If your child is in one of the following categories, they should not attend school –
- Children who have been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Children who have been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19
- Children who have a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Children who have been in contact with a person who has a suspected case of Covid-19 and the outcome of the test is pending
- Children with underlying health conditions who have been directed by a medical professional not to attend school
- Children who have returned home after travelling abroad and must self-isolate for a period of 14 days
- Children who are generally unwell
- Please note as directed by the HPSC guidance to parents, for all children on return from ANY absence parents must send a ‘ Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form’ to the school. Not required at present for return in Sept 2021 to date as far as we know.
The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed and staff and pupil confidentiality is essential at all times.
Supporting the Learning of Children who cannot attend school
If a child is not able to attend school for an extended period of time, the class teacher (and/or the learning support teacher, where relevant) suggested activities to support the child’s learning at home will be shared with parents.
School Staff and Covid 19: Same direction with regard to Covid 19 that applies to general workers returning to work will apply to Staff in schools. A return to work form must be signed and procedures followed as per Guidelines from the Department of Education. Also, Staff that are in an environment where 2m physical distancing requirement cannot be met a face shield (or mask) will be worn by the staff. This is the recommended procedure from the Minister for Education. All staff will avail of the Department of Education training for reopening schools,’ Primary School Induction’ Training’. Medical Grade Masks are now advised to be worn instead of Visor where at all possible. (Feb 2021)
Classroom arrangements:
Junior Room are in their own room and Junior Infants to 2nd Class are not required to physical distance.
Senior Classes, 3rd to 6th class will be in the General Purpose Room (Big Room). Children from 3rd to 6th class are required to maintain 1m physical distance. Therefore, we will have two main bubbles, Junior Room and Senior room. The senior room will be divided in the classroom into separate class pods, (3) 3 and 4 one pod, 5th class one pod, 6th class one pod. This is for in the classroom. Each child 1m apart and each pod 1m apart.
Junior Room classes will have a zoned area just for these classes Infants to 2nd class.
Senior Room classes will have a zones area just for these classes 3rd to 6th class.
We Pray at the Beginning of this school year:
God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin a new school year.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow;
wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding, and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
New Board of Management Kingsland NS elected
Board of Management Members of Kingsland NS 2019-2023
Mary Harrington (Chairperson)
Very Rev. Fr. Larry Ebuk
Seán Mc Garry (Parent Nominee)
Patrice Cregg (Parent Nominee)
David Muldowney
Maria Lavin
Olive Hayden
David Murphy
Useful websites:
Depatment of Education and Skills:
NCCA National Council for Curriculum and Assessment::
NCSE National Council for Special Education:
National Parents Council:
Help for Study :
Help for Research:
Child Protection:
General Learning:
General Learning: